Saturday, September 1, 2007

Sleeping In

Surely you've hear of "sleeping in."

Jack has not.

It's been a long week and I finished it off last night with a great Uppercase Living party at my neighbor's house. After getting home and setting my (awesome) babysitter free, I got my things put away and checked on the kids. I was actually feeling a little sad that I didn't get to put them to bed. (Almost never do we use a sitter in the evenings).

I dragged myself to bed sometime around midnight thinking that since the next morning was Saturday, I would at least be able to sleep until 7 a.m.

Lucky I am not.

At 5:43 a.m. Jack delivered himself to the foot of my bed. (It's making me tired just reliving it for you in this blog.) I told him it was too early to be up and to climb in bed with me and go back to sleep. I think he actually may have dozed a little before declaring at 6:30 that it was daytime. "No, it's not," I told him. "Well, then, I'm going back to my bed," he said. Great! I told him not to get back up until the clock read 7.

Rather than returning to bed, he chose to play trains, which may not seem too bad. Except that his room is right above my room. And the train table is directly above my bed. And, in typical boy fashion, he likes to bang and crash. I mean, what's the fun in having a train running smoothly on a well built track? It's much more life-like to have lots of train wrecks with cars being derailed and engines falling off bridges, while some Jack-made disaster tears up the track.

He did stay in his room until 7, at which point he ran into Maria's room to wake her up. It's more exciting to crash your trains with an audience, after all.

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