Monday, September 3, 2007

A Bittersweet Vacation

Bitter for me. Sweet for him.

Now that he's back, I feel safe enough to blog about Dan's recent vacation. (Didn't want the whole world to know when I was without him for 6 days and 5 nights. Then, again, with 4 attack kids, who'd want to attempt something at our house???)

Last week Dan flew to Utah and then drove with his brothers and a few other other family members to Jackson Hole. I got to stay home with the kids.

Dan was able to enjoy a nice peaceful bike ride.
I shoved my kids into a cart for a chaotic ride at Target.

Dan saw a moose.
I saw poop big enough for a moose. (For some reason my kids like to let it build up.)

Dan enjoyed a lovely dinner at a fancy restaurant.
I fixed the kids macaroni and hot dog surprise with a side of applesauce (which Sam chose to fling at me throughout dinner).

Dan enjoyed sipping expensive bourbon during cocktail hour.
I drank for therapy.*

Dan received birthday cards from his family.
I received notes from Jack's teacher about his language (see previous "freakin" post).

Now, I realize I sound slightly bitter. And, I was quite snarky to Dan about the whole thing before he left. But, truthfully, I guess Dan deserved to go on the trip. He doesn't get to see his brothers much and the last time we were able to go on any type of vacation was... well... never. He really had a great time and was able to enjoy some neat things. He saw the moose I mentioned above. He also saw a bear. He was surrounded by beautiful country. He enjoyed some quality brother time.

However, he did miss out on kissing the kids every night. And he missed the kindergarten barbecue at school. And Jack's first perfectly recited "Bless Us O Lord" last night at dinner. He also missed - and this is big - Jack and Maria's relatively excellent behavior in mass Sunday morning. Oh, and he missed out on the Pirate Olympics with 12 little mateys (or is it maties?) at Riley's birthday party. He missed the kids' first viewing of Bambi and the lecture following about the terrible evils of hunting. (Just kidding about the lecture - while I was bawling about Bambi's mom dying the kids didn't even seem to notice). Although recorded here, he missed Luke's first black eye (delivered unintentionally during some roughhousing with his older brother). He also missed Sam dropping the babywash into the toilet and then closing the lid so that it wasn't discovered until Maria needed to pee.

Bitter for me and sweet for him? Maybe not...

*Just kidding... no need to go calling DFS or anything.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like that both of you had a fun time. Then again, what is Dan going to do for you? Ahh yes, more wine for more therapy. Thats the plan........Then again. like in the old days.... we better not talk about that one. CPS might be reading this. What a minute, I have a case file with them and a complaint, do not need them to be giving ideas. But you two should find someone to loan your kids to and take a weekend off. Margagret seems to be traveling around these days.....

Unknown said...

As my hubby has said... "What is Dan going to do for you?" Like I say.. what is good for the goose is good for the gander. You could come to TX for a weekend.. now there is an idea. You can even bring the kids and then Michael can watch them He will be hollering... HEATHER!!! HELP!!! Just throwing some ideas out there for ya.