Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I'm SUCH a loser

Right now... RIGHT NOW - 1:10 p.m. on Wednesday, September 12, 2007 is Jack's very first show and tell.


Ugh. I am sick to my stomach. Jack is going to be just crushed. Sign me up for the Worst Mom of the Year Award. All last year in preschool there was never a show and tell. His teacher just didn't do it. Maria's teacher did. It was always a bummer when Maria was able to bring a show and tell and Jack couldn't.

This year, when we found out there was weekly show and tell we danced around the kitchen together. We were excited! TBTITWW had us get through the first few weeks of school before starting, then she assigned each child a certain day. I wrote it on the calendar. I circled it. I reminded myself a hundred times.

When I picked Jack up yesterday we talked about it and he told me what he wanted to bring... a xylophone. He'd just gotten out of music class, so he was pumped up about instruments. I suggested that we put it in his backpack that night so we didn't forget.

We forgot.

I tried to call Dan to see if he could run over to the school and be Jack's emergency surprise show and tell, but he was tied up.

I am soooooo not looking forward to seeing the tears and disappointment in Jack's face when I pick him up from school this afternoon.

Oh, and while we're at it, let's pile on a little more guilt. Since Dad packed his lunch for today, Jack got really cool notes on his napkins. Did I put cool notes on Jack's napkins yesterday? No. I forgot to even send napkins in his lunch.

Can someone please set up some type of reminder service for me? Something that will smack me over the head as I'm leaving the house in the morning would be great.

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