Sunday, September 2, 2007


One of my good friends here has three boys, ages 5, 2 and 2+ mos. THEY ARE SO WELL-BEHAVED! I don't know how she does it, but those boys are sweet and cute and always neatly dressed and they behave - even in mass. Every mass. While she's sitting with her sweet family, I'm three or four pews behind struggling to keep Jack and Maria quiet and still. The Little Boys aren't even with us - we stick them in the nursery.

Dan and I conjole, threaten, bribe and make mean faces all throughout mass. Sometimes it works, most of the time it doesn't. (Although, I do have to say Jack, especially, is improving. I think attending mass once a week at school is seriously helping.)

Anyhow, back to my friend. (I won't use her name, because I don't know that she wants to be a famous character in my blog.) I recently found out that this friend somehow finds time to iron. Do what?!? What is this ironing and why do people do it?

I looked it up:

Main Entry: 3 iron

Function: verb

Date: 15th century
transitive verb
1: to furnish or cover with iron
: to shackle with irons
3 a
: to smooth with or as if with a heated iron <iron a shirt> b: to remove (as wrinkles) by ironing

intransitive verb
to smooth or press cloth or clothing with a heated iron

Okaaaay. When we buy clothes, we buy the wrinkle-free stuff. If something does happen to come out of the dryer somewhat wrinkly, I just kind of stretch and smooth and pull on it and hope it doesn't look too bad once it's being worn. Sometimes I'll even spritz it with a little water to help things along. (I know... poor, poor Dan.)

But, since finding out about my friend's habit, I started thinking... Maybe this ironing thing is why my friend and her boys (husband included) always look so nice. And act so nice. Could this possibly be her secret? Do you think if I start ironing it would not only straighten out my clothes, but my kids, too?

Maybe it's worth trying....



Liz said...

NO WAY!!! DO NOT START IRONING!!! I told Paul when he asked me to marry him that I don't his uniforms got sent out with light starch...but NOW they are wash, dry and wear! The girls and I are always wrinkly and I don't care!

Sidenote: Took the girls to mass today..they did good except we have to teach Catherine her inside churhc voice...because at the top of her voice she said (and this was right before communion) "WHEN DO WE GET A SNACK!"

Anonymous said...

I learned growing up (wearing A LOT of hand-me-down worn out clothing) that if you iron them, they look nicer, newer, neater. Maybe you just don't notice the bad behavior b/c I trick you with my ironed clothes (it is a stealth camoflage trick). Obviously, you did not hear my 2 year old make the BIGGEST bored yawning noise halfway through the homily and then again during the consecration! I wanted to crawl under the pew. The other trick . . .sit so close to the front that you can not see anyone else's reaction to the kids! I swear by it . . .then you can pretend no one noticed! LOL