Thursday, August 30, 2007


Yesterday, Jack came home from kindergarten with a note from TBTITWW:

"Mr. and Mrs. Hemmersmeier,
I have asked Jack not to use the word "freakin" in the classroom. Thank you."

Well, sh*t. At least it wasn't the real f-word. I have improved a little.

This is seriously embarrassing. As you all know me fairly well, you know where Jack has gotten the language. Any suggestions for an acceptable alternative, as I've obviously failed with this?


Anonymous said...

Only one of your kids, Susan! That is too funny.

Anonymous said...

One of my totally wholesome friends says "Good Govenor, oh darn and oh sugar" (she says these in all seriousness, too). Now what do we do? My alternative was freakin' too!

Melissa said...

Well, I must admit that I say "frickin" sometimes myself, but try to not say it around the kids. Tried to replace that with "stinkin'". How about that one? There's not anything too horrible about stinkin' there??

Jason D said...

Flippin'...gosh darn... Bloody... stinkin'... snicker-doodle? Problem is, "Freakin' " works so well in a sentence!