Thursday, August 16, 2007


We had a very frightening experience yesterday afternoon. (Yes, believe it or not, it was more frightening than attempting mass.)

Despite the heat, I was giving the Little Boys haircuts on the patio. Jack was in his spot under the pine trees muddying up his school uniform. (WHY do they have to have white shirts?!?) Maria was in the house, so I tracked her down and told her she had to come outside. "It's too hot!!!" she said. It was hot, so I told her she could stay inside, but had to stay by the back door so I could keep an eye on her.

I started with Luke (who was EXCELLENT, by the way. Of course, that's probably because he wanted to avoid being cut up like last time). Maria stood at the back door opening and closing, opening and closing and occasionally making a comment.

Then it got suspiciously quiet. Jack was caked in mud so I sent him in to change while I checked on Maria. I hollered for her and received no response (not that I ever do). I hollered again and counted, telling her if she didn't answer she'd be in timeout at 3. Nothing. I started to panic as I searched the house. Couldn't find her. Screaming her name as loud as I could (which wasn't loud because I've been hoarse the last few days) I kept searching. I opened the door to the garage and heard a muffled, "I can't get out." SHE WAS IN THE VAN. The doors are kiddie locked.

Thank God she was only in there for a very, very short time. It is HOT here - 100's. I was in tears as I told her NEVER to get into a car without me. She told me she was getting a sucker for Sam. (We keep suckers in the car for bribes and the boys usually get suckers at the barber shop. The boys were getting haircuts, hence the need for suckers.) Very sweet of her, but I was FREAKED OUT.

Kids are amazing, aren't they? Before having children I never experienced the range of emotions I do these days.


Liz said...

I would freak out too!!!

I have been having nightmares that Samantha walks out in front of moving cars! I woke Paul up three times screaming her name..what could that mean?

Sam looks so big! What are you feeding him?

Melissa said...

Oh MY!!! WHat a horrible experience! Thank goodness you found her quickly. She was trying to be so sweet too. Sam looks super cute with his new haircut!