Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Phone Radar

My kids have phone radar. Doesn't matter where I am or where they are. If the phone rings or I start dialing, they appear as if I had screamed "ICE CREAM!!!!"

As I was fixing dinner this evening I thought (foolishly) that I'd give one of my sisters a call. As you know from previous posts, this wasn't one of my better ideas considering the time of day. However, I was just calling to touch base, since I hadn't talked to her in a couple of days and I planned to keep it short. Very short.

I don't think I was able to talk for more than, oh, 30 seconds before I had to circumvent disaster. Sam got into the dog water and Luke, thinking it looked like loads of fun, proceeded to help his brother splash it all over my kitchen floor. Mid-scream I accidentally hung up on my sister. I pulled the boys out of the water, put Luke in time out and put the dog bowl with remaining water in the pantry on top of the dog food bin.

I redialed the phone and as I'm trying to sop up the mess, Sam comes crawling at super speed through the water, goes into a skid and slams into the wall. Starts BAWLING.

I gave up on the phone attempt and told my sis I'd call her tomorrow (while I have a babysitter and am far, far away from the house). I continued to keep an eye on my cooking dinner and steped into the laundry room to feed the cat. During which time Sam got into the pantry and DUMPED THE REMAINING DOG WATER ONTO THE PANTRY FLOOR.


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