Thursday, August 23, 2007

Lunch and beyond

A little chocolate on her shirt (and face) to go with the yogurt IN HER HAIR.

Luke, Maria and Sam were all eating a nice lunch. Then the phone rang. It was a very nice woman from Uppercase Living calling me in response to an email I had sent. The kids continued eating as I paced around the kitchen while on the phone.

Hearing laughter in the background, the woman I was speaking to remarked that it sounded like my kids were having fun. Having fun alright - drawing on each other with their yogurt.

Where do they get these ideas?!?

Maria (as you can see from the picture below) didn't just have a small glob in her hair. No. It looks, instead, as though she washed her hair in yogurt. Blech! So, what did I do? Throw her in the tub? No, I grabbed the camera and now I'm blogging about it.

Speaking of phone calls, my kids seem to be at their worst when it's my sisters that call. You read about The Little Boys in yesterday's blog when Caroline called. Today, Margaret called -- just as I was getting the kids out of the car after picking Jack up from school. I think she got in a quick question before Jack managed to open the door to the house , throw his stuff inside and LEAVE THE DOOR OPEN while he got set to ride his Big Wheel. With the phone to my ear and the baby on my hip I see the dog shoot past me. I must have made some type of panicked sound because immediately Margaret said, "I'll talk to you later!"

Got the dog. Got the kids inside. Got onto the computer to find a solution to Margaret's problem. Call Margaret. Talk for 30 seconds. Maria comes running to me screaming that Sam is falling off Jack's bed. Hang up on Margaret. Go into Jack's room to find Jack and Luke on the bed and Jack pulling on Sam's arm (the only thing I can see of him). Sam is stuck between the wall and the bed. Screaming.

I rescue Sam.

And give up.

I'm really happy to have my book club to go to tonight.

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