Saturday, August 25, 2007

We All Cried

I could tell Jack was in a mood yesterday when I picked him up from school. Usually he bounds into the car with a big grin and tells me what a great day he had. Not this time.

The librarian walked him to the car (okay - minivan) and sorrowfully explained that she had had to send a note home with Jack, and as a result he wasn't able to check out a book. She felt terrible. She told me she really likes Jack. She apologized.

Jack was crushed. He was so looking forward to being able to check out a book and bring it home!

Rather than discussing the matter right then, I let Jack eat a snack on the way home and restrained from peppering him with questions as I normally do. After we got home Jack told me he wasn't feeling very happy. I asked why and he tearfully responded that he wasn't allowed to bring a library book home today and, "he was the only one."

He cried.

I cried.

I think I cried more than he did. I was so sad for him! The note was for kicking a classmate's chair during library time not stopping when asked to. I understand the rules and I understand the consequences, and so does Jack. But I still felt terrible.

Later in the evening, we attended Back To School Night and as we walked in the door, Jack's teacher (The Best Teacher In The Whole World) pulled me aside to tell me...

She cried.

She said she felt terrible. Jack had had a really great day - his best yet... until library time. When the kids returned from the library she immediately noticed Jack's demeanor and asked him about it. She said he wrapped his arms around her and...

He cried.

Jack told her what had happened and TBTITWW even walked back with him to the library to discuss it with the librarian (just to verify that the punishment fit the crime, I think). Despite everybody's tears, all agreed that the consequences were justified.

TBTITWW, however, did tell me she plans to return to the library on Monday to see if Jack can check out a book then, rather than having to wait the whole week. :-)

Did I mention the Jack has The Best Teacher In The Whole World? Really, she knows what the kids need, she cares about each one of them and she wants them to love school and learning. How could they not, with her in the classroom?

We may be spending Jack's college money on kindergarten tuition, but it's worth it. He's in the right place.


Liz said...

I almost cried just now too!!!

It has been an emotional week here in HI. Glad it is the weekend so we can regroup and look forward to the new day!

Melissa said...

Awwwww...poor Jack. Everyone has a bad day sometimes, but you just hurt for them, don't you? :-(

Anonymous said...

And now . . . I have cried! Poor Jack! I love TBTITWW, too! Do you think she'd be willing to move to every grade with the boys?