Saturday, August 11, 2007


if jack's behavior in mass this evening is any indication of how he's going to fare in catholic school we're in BIIIIIGGGGGG trouble. to be fair, his siblings didn't behave one whit better. not only did we have to leave our pew to sit in the narthex, but dan finally left for good, taking our oldest and youngest with him to the car. i weathered it out to the bitter end with luke and maria.

cut us a little slack... dan has to work tomorrow, so we had to attend the 5:30 p.m. mass this evening. NOT a good time for us. (see previous post regarding family pictures).

maria, ever hopeful, jumped into the car after mass and asked, "can we have a sucker?" uhhhhh... NO!!!

after arriving home we delivered the little boys straight to their beds and had jack and maria practice kneeling, standing and then sitting quietly for five minutes each. how successful do you think that was? not very. first of all, someone put them in the same room. (no names, to protect the, uh, innocent). we separated them and still they acted silly. after being reprimanded you'd think we'd beaten them they howled so loud. not one minute later (remember, we were timing things, so we know) they were at it again!!! it was all so painful i kept cheating on the time so we could be done with it and get them in bed.

aaaahhhhhhh. the silence of a house full of sleeping children!

p.s. prayers for jack's success in catholic school and for our next attempt at mass are greatly appreciated.

1 comment:

Liz said...

I am sure that Jack will behave at school mass...the nuns have rulers right? Just kidding...

And you have just given me the perfect reason as to why we don't go to church! I do pray to God daily for the day to be over with! :)