Friday, October 12, 2007


Sad: This darling little boy falling asleep IN THE MIDDLE OF EATING A CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE.Sam’s cookie

Sadder: Maria taking advantage of the situation and stealing the remaining cookie before the poor guy can wake up and defend himself.

Saddest: The reason for the chocolate chip cookies was to punish Luke the Duke.

How does one use chocolate chip cookies as punishment, you ask? Easy. You just take your FOUR children to Lasater’s to buy THREE fresh, chewy, yummy chocolate chip cookies (and yourself a coffee).

Three cookies, four children.

Guess who was the odd man out in this situation? I know. I’m a mean mommy. (Luke told me so. Oh, and I need a timeout.)

“Poor, sad, Lukie,” you’re thinking. (Let me tell you, with the look on his face I was almost thinking, “poor, sad, Lukie.” He’s got it down.)

Then I recalled how just minutes before he was kicked out of the YMCA’s childcare AGAIN. Today, he didn’t even last an hour. They pulled me out of my spin class (thank goodness it’s dark enough in there to hide my embarrassment) to tell me Luke had picked up a rock and hit another kid with it.


What’s a mother to do? I made him sit for a while. Then I told him Max couldn’t come over to play as planned. Then (because he seemed completely unaffected by those things) I announced to my crew that we would be picking up cookies on the way home! And, when Luke started participating in the “hoorays” I quickly explained that his behavior did not warrant a cookie.

So call me a cookie monster.

We’ll be back at it again tomorrow, so wish us luck. Three in a row doesn’t bode well.

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