...of the PTA!!! (Okay, at Jack's school it's the HSA, but same thing). Me. Susan. Formerly known as I'm-never-going-to-have-children-as-long-as-I-live girl.
My name is Susan and despite my first 27 years, I married a law-abider. I had kids (not just one or two spaced out, mind you, but FOUR in five years). I drive a mini-van. And, now, I'm a member of the PTA.
You know that movie with Nicholas Cage... the one where he's this rich guy, powerful, drives an awesome car, lives in a penthouse apartment? Then suddenly one day he wakes up and he's got a wife and a gaggle of kids and he works selling tires? The Family Man! That's what it was. Anyway, despite all he had before, it turns out he likes the new, kind of frumpy, life better.
I guess that's like my life. Except I was always kind of frumpy and I was never rich, never powerful, never drove an awesome car and never lived in the penthouse. Still, I never imagined that I'd be married with a bunch of little kids. (And, neither did anyone else who knew me!)
The checker in Wal-Mart today (yes, I shop there - we can't afford to make a political stand against it) asked me, "Are they
all yours?" When I told her yes, she responded that they all looked around the same age and I must have my hands full. They hire the observant ones!
Seriously, though
, I love it all. Here's a little something you don't hear without little ones around:
All right! We're going to an ice cream party tonight!!!
Maria: Do we all get to go, Mom?
Mom: Yes, we're all invited
Maria: Yay! We're all invited! Jack's invited, I'm invited, Sam's invited and you're invited, too, Luke!
Luke: Noooo! I'm not. I'm Lukie
Maria: No, Luke. You're
Luke: No!!! I'm Lukie!
Maria: You're still Luke, but you're invited... to the party. You get to come to the ice cream party with us.
Luke: Ohhhhhhh.
Hehehe. Stuff like that cracks me up. Here's another one... We spell lots of things around this house, especially names. Luke is just learning a little.
Mom: Let's spell your name Luke! Repeat after me... L
Luke: L
Mom: U
Luke: Me
Mom: No, U
Luke: No, Me
Luke: Meeeeeeeee
Mom: K
Luke: K
Mom: E
Luke: E!!!
We've all tried very hard to explain that his name is spelled L-
U-K-E, but he doesn't
quite get it yet :-)